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- Release: 1.0
Demara Battery Mark II is the flagship W-Engine of Anby Demara and is a compelling F2P option for electric-element stun characters. It not only provides a bit of Impact to improve our stun capabilities but also increases our Electric Damage.
In addition to these effects, the W-Engine slightly boosts the character's Energy Regen Rate after using an Assist Attack or a Dodge Counter. This is particularly beneficial as it helps us use the EX Special Attack more frequently, which generally performs well in terms of stunning.
15% Impact
Increases Electric DMG by 15%. When the equipper hits an enemy with Dodge Counter or Assist Attack, their Energy Generation Rate increases by 18% for 8s.
Increases Electric DMG by 17.5%. When the equipper hits an enemy with Dodge Counter or Assist Attack, their Energy Generation Rate increases by 20.5% for 8s.
Increases Electric DMG by 20%. When the equipper hits an enemy with Dodge Counter or Assist Attack, their Energy Generation Rate increases by 23% for 8s.
Increases Electric DMG by 22%. When the equipper hits an enemy with Dodge Counter or Assist Attack, their Energy Generation Rate increases by 25% for 8s.
Increases Electric DMG by 24%. When the equipper hits an enemy with Dodge Counter or Assist Attack, their Energy Generation Rate increases by 27.5% for 8s.