
  • Rank:  A Rank
  • Release: 1.0

Base Stats

HP: 4521
ATK: 3027
DEF: 377


Skill AEnters the flying state, shooting homing bullets at enemies to deal Ether DMG and inflict Ether Anomaly Buildup.
Skill BWhen there are at least 2 Ether Attribute characters in your squad: Bangboo Chain Attack inflicts 80% more Anomaly Buildup. After activating Bangboo Chain Attack, the coordination state lasts for 9 more seconds and can activate 8 more times.
Skill CFires 3 homing bullets at the target and then enters the coordination state. Under this state, fires homing bullets in coordination with the on-field character's attacks, dealing Ether DMG and inflicting Ether Anomaly Buildup for up to 30s or 10 activations.

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