Warmth Shortens Cold Nights

Warmth Shortens Cold Nights
  • Stars: ★★★★
  • Path Type: The Abundance
  • Release: 1.0


Base HP
Base ATK
Base DEF

+16% Outgoing Healing.<br /> Restores HP to all allies by an amount equal of 2.0% of their Max HP.

+20% Outgoing Healing.<br /> Restores HP to all allies by an amount equal of 2.5% of their Max HP.

+24% Outgoing Healing.<br /> Restores HP to all allies by an amount equal of 3.0% of their Max HP.

+28% Outgoing Healing.<br /> Restores HP to all allies by an amount equal of 3.5% of their Max HP.

+32% Outgoing Healing.<br /> Restores HP to all allies by an amount equal of 4% of their Max HP.