Best Build for Herta

Herta Head
  • Stars: ★★★★
  • Element: Ice Element Ice
  • Path: The Erudition The Erudition
  • Release: 1.0

Herta is a 4-star character from the Path of Erudition, and while it's true that she doesn't stand out as much as other characters (given that her path isn't the most prominent in the game), I believe she is underrated.

Her primary objective is to deal area damage (Multi-Target or AoE), and in that aspect, it must be acknowledged that she delivers, even though her damage output may not match some other characters. However, Herta truly excels in the ideal scenario, particularly in the 'Pure Fiction' mode. With waves of enemies constantly appearing, she can unleash a barrage of Follow-Up Attacks, showcasing her immense potential. Witnessing enemies succumb to the power of Kuru-kuru Kururin is truly priceless.

Herta Body

Base Stats

HP: 953
ATK: 582
DEF: 397
Speed: 100

Herta DPS

A fairly common build for a DPS where we aim to maximize their damage. In the case of Herta, it's crucial to enhance the damage of her Additional Attacks. Keep in mind that we'll primarily use Herta in the "Pure Fiction" mode; in other game modes, she doesn't stand out as much (excluding Simulated Universe).

Best Light Cones

Before Dawn

Before Dawn
HP: 1058
ATK: 582
DEF: 463

Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 36%. Increases the wearer's Skill and Ultimate DMG by 18%. After the wearer uses their Skill or Ultimate, they gain Somnus Corpus. Upon triggering a follow-up attack, Somnus Corpus will be consumed and the follow-up attack DMG increases by 48%.

Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 42%. Increases the wearer's Skill and Ultimate DMG by 21%. After the wearer uses their Skill or Ultimate, they gain Somnus Corpus. Upon triggering a follow-up attack, Somnus Corpus will be consumed and the follow-up attack DMG increases by 56%.

Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 48%. Increases the wearer's Skill and Ultimate DMG by 24%. After the wearer uses their Skill or Ultimate, they gain Somnus Corpus. Upon triggering a follow-up attack, Somnus Corpus will be consumed and the follow-up attack DMG increases by 64%.

Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 54%. Increases the wearer's Skill and Ultimate DMG by 27%. After the wearer uses their Skill or Ultimate, they gain Somnus Corpus. Upon triggering a follow-up attack, Somnus Corpus will be consumed and the follow-up attack DMG increases by 72%.

Increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by 60%. Increases the wearer's Skill and Ultimate DMG by 30%. After the wearer uses their Skill or Ultimate, they gain Somnus Corpus. Upon triggering a follow-up attack, Somnus Corpus will be consumed and the follow-up attack DMG increases by 80%.

Night on the Milky Way

Night on the Milky Way
HP: 1164
ATK: 582
DEF: 396

For every enemy on the field, increases the wearer's ATK by 9.0%, up to 5 stacks. When an enemy is inflicted with Weakness Break, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 30% for 1 turn.

For every enemy on the field, increases the wearer's ATK by 10.5%, up to 5 stacks. When an enemy is inflicted with Weakness Break, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 35% for 1 turn.

For every enemy on the field, increases the wearer's ATK by 12.0%, up to 5 stacks. When an enemy is inflicted with Weakness Break, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 40% for 1 turn.

For every enemy on the field, increases the wearer's ATK by 13.5%, up to 5 stacks. When an enemy is inflicted with Weakness Break, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 45% for 1 turn.

For every enemy on the field, increases the wearer's ATK by 15.0%, up to 5 stacks. When an enemy is inflicted with Weakness Break, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 50% for 1 turn.

Eternal Calculus

Eternal Calculus
HP: 1058
ATK: 529
DEF: 397

Increases the wearer's ATK by 8%. After using an attack, for each enemy target hit, additionally increases ATK by 4%. This effect can stack 5 times and lasts until the next attack. If there are 3 or more enemy targets hit, this unit's SPD increases by 8%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

Increases the wearer's ATK by 9%. After using an attack, for each enemy target hit, additionally increases ATK by 5%. This effect can stack 5 times and lasts until the next attack. If there are 3 or more enemy targets hit, this unit's SPD increases by 10%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

Increases the wearer's ATK by 10%. After using an attack, for each enemy target hit, additionally increases ATK by 6%. This effect can stack 5 times and lasts until the next attack. If there are 3 or more enemy targets hit, this unit's SPD increases by 12%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

Increases the wearer's ATK by 11%. After using an attack, for each enemy target hit, additionally increases ATK by 7%. This effect can stack 5 times and lasts until the next attack. If there are 3 or more enemy targets hit, this unit's SPD increases by 14%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

Increases the wearer's ATK by 12%. After using an attack, for each enemy target hit, additionally increases ATK by 8%. This effect can stack 5 times and lasts until the next attack. If there are 3 or more enemy targets hit, this unit's SPD increases by 16%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

The Birth of the Self

The Birth of the Self
HP: 952
ATK: 476
DEF: 330

+24% Follow-Up Attack DMG.<br /> Another +24% if enemy's health is lower than 50%.

+30% Follow-Up Attack DMG.<br /> Another +30% if enemy's health is lower than 50%.

+36% Follow-Up Attack DMG.<br /> Another +36% if enemy's health is lower than 50%.

+42% Follow-Up Attack DMG.<br /> Another +42% if enemy's health is lower than 50%.

+48% Follow-Up Attack DMG.<br /> Another +48% if enemy's health is lower than 50%.

Geniuses’ Repose

Geniuses' Repose
HP: 846
ATK: 476
DEF: 396

+16% ATK.<br /> +24% CRIT DMG when wearer defeats an enemy for 3 turns.

+20% ATK.<br /> +30% CRIT DMG when wearer defeats an enemy for 3 turns.

+24% ATK.<br /> +36% CRIT DMG when wearer defeats an enemy for 3 turns.

+28% ATK.<br /> +42% CRIT DMG when wearer defeats an enemy for 3 turns.

+32% ATK.<br /> +48% CRIT DMG when wearer defeats an enemy for 3 turns.

The Day The Cosmos Fell

The Day the Cosmos Fell
HP: 953
ATK: 476
DEF: 331

Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%. When the wearer uses an attack and at least 2 attacked enemies have the corresponding Weakness, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 20% for 2 turn(s).

Increases the wearer's ATK by 18%. When the wearer uses an attack and at least 2 attacked enemies have the corresponding Weakness, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 25% for 2 turn(s).

Increases the wearer's ATK by 20%. When the wearer uses an attack and at least 2 attacked enemies have the corresponding Weakness, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 30% for 2 turn(s).

Increases the wearer's ATK by 22%. When the wearer uses an attack and at least 2 attacked enemies have the corresponding Weakness, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 35% for 2 turn(s).

Increases the wearer's ATK by 24%. When the wearer uses an attack and at least 2 attacked enemies have the corresponding Weakness, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 40% for 2 turn(s).

The Seriousness of Breakfast

The Seriousness of Breakfast
HP: 846
ATK: 476
DEF: 396

+12% DMG.<br /> +4% ATK after defeating an enemy. Max 3 stacks.

+15% DMG.<br /> +5% ATK after defeating an enemy. Max 3 stacks.

+18% DMG.<br /> +6% ATK after defeating an enemy. Max 3 stacks.

+21% DMG.<br /> +7% ATK after defeating an enemy. Max 3 stacks.

+24% DMG.<br /> +8% ATK after defeating an enemy. Max 3 stacks.

Best Relics and Planar Ornaments

Primary Stats

BodyCRIT Rate
Relic Feet
Planar SphereIce DMG
Link RopeATK %


CRIT Rate CRIT DMG ATK % Speed Break Effect

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