- Stars: ★★★★
- Weapon Type: Sword
- Release: 1.4
The Alley Flash is a highly recommended 4-star weapon, especially for characters whose role is that of Support DPS, since it'll enhance the damage we do on the condition that we don't receive damage (at which point we will lose the bonus it provides us for a few seconds).
It also stands out for having a very high Base Attack for a 4-star weapon and for this reason it's highly recommended for the almighty Bennett.
Base ATK
Primary Stat
+55 EM
+55 EM
+12% DMG. If character takes DMG you loose that bonus for 5s.
+15% DMG. If character takes DMG you loose that bonus for 5s.
+18% DMG. If character takes DMG you loose that bonus for 5s.
+21% DMG. If character takes DMG you loose that bonus for 5s.
+24% DMG. If character takes DMG you loose that bonus for 5s.