- Stars: ★★★★
- Weapon Type: Bow
- Release: 1.6
Mitternachts Waltz is Fischl's arc, the pity is that it's oriented towards a Fischl that is Main DPS when this character stands out much more as Support DPS. Either way, if you want your Fischl to be a Main DPS, this is definitely an excellent option for her.
Base ATK
Primary Stat
+51.7% Physical DMG
+51.7% Physical DMG
+20% ES DMG after hitting an opponent with NA.
+20% NA DMG after hitting an opponent with ES.
+25% ES DMG after hitting an opponent with NA.
+25% NA DMG after hitting an opponent with ES.
+30% ES DMG after hitting an opponent with NA.
+30% NA DMG after hitting an opponent with ES.
+35% ES DMG after hitting an opponent with NA.
+35% NA DMG after hitting an opponent with ES.
+40% ES DMG after hitting an opponent with NA.
+40% NA DMG after hitting an opponent with ES.