- Stars: ★★★★★
- Weapon Type: Catalyst
- Release: 3.5
Jadefall's Splendor is a 5-star catalyst that is quite interesting for those characters who benefit greatly from the Health stat, making it a very specific weapon.
But that's not all, it will also increase our damage based on the character's maximum Health and generate some energy, which can be useful for many characters.
If you're wondering why this catalyst can't be used by almost any character except Baizhu (after all, it is his weapon), the reason is that the passive only activates when we use the Elemental Burst or create a shield, so only this character will get the most out of it.
+49.62% HP %
Restore 4.5 Energy an obtain +0.3% Elemental DMG for every 1.000 HP (max 12%) for 3s after using EB or putting a Shield.
Restore 5 Energy every 2.5s an obtain +0.5% Elemental DMG for every 1.000 HP (max 12%) for 3s after using EB or putting a Shield.
Restore 5.5 Energy every 2.5s an obtain +0.7% Elemental DMG for every 1.000 HP (max 12%) for 3s after using EB or putting a Shield.
Restore 6 Energy every 2.5s an obtain +0.9% Elemental DMG for every 1.000 HP (max 12%) for 3s after using EB or putting a Shield.
Restore 6.5 Energy every 2.5s an obtain +1.1% Elemental DMG for every 1.000 HP (max 12%) for 3s after using EB or putting a Shield.