Harbinger of Dawn

Harbinger of Dawn
  • Stars: ★★★
  • Weapon Type: Sword
  • Release: 1.0

Harbinger of Dawn is a 3-star weapon that stands out a lot for having a very good crit balance. The problem is that his passive only works on characters with health above 90% and for this reason it's usually recommended especially for characters who spend very little time in the field and have no other better options.


Base ATK
Primary Stat
46.9% CRIT DMG

+14% CRIT RATE when HP is above 90%.

+17.5% CRIT RATE when HP is above 90%.

+21% CRIT RATE when HP is above 90%.

+24.5% CRIT RATE when HP is above 90%.

+28% CRIT RATE when HP is above 90%.