Favonius Greatsword

Favonius Greatsword
  • Stars: ★★★★
  • Weapon Type: Claymore
  • Release: 1.0

Favonius Greatsword is a great Claymore since it provides us with a lot of energy both with its secondary stat and its passive ability. It's recommended for most Support DPS characters that carry this type of weapon to give that additional support.


Base ATK
Primary Stat
61.3% ER

60% chance to generate an Elemental Particle after doing a crit. Once every 12s.

70% chance to generate an Elemental Particle after doing a crit. Once every 10.5s.

80% chance to generate an Elemental Particle after doing a crit. Once every 9s.

90% chance to generate an Elemental Particle after doing a crit. Once every 7.5s.

100% chance to generate an Elemental Particle after doing a crit. Once every 6s.