- Stars: ★★★★★
- Weapon Type: Catalyst
- Release: 2.1
Everlasting Moonglow is the catalyst for Sangonomiya Kokomi and is generally not a highly recommended weapon (even Kokomi herself has better weapon options). This is because it's heavily geared towards boosting health and healing, which doesn't really fit with most characters and we don't normally need that much healing to make it worth porting.
49.6% HP %
+10% Healing.
NA DMG is increased by 1% of max HP.
NA restores 0.6 energy after using EB for 12s. Max once every 0.1s
+12.5% Healing.
NA DMG is increased by 1.5% of max HP.
NA restores 0.6 energy after using EB for 12s. Max once every 0.1s
+15% Healing.
NA DMG is increased by 2% of max HP.
NA restores 0.6 energy after using EB for 12s. Max once every 0.1s
+17.5% Healing.
NA DMG is increased by 2.5% of max HP.
NA restores 0.6 energy after using EB for 12s. Max once every 0.1s
+20% Healing.
NA DMG is increased by 3% of max HP.
NA restores 0.6 energy after using EB for 12s. Max once every 0.1s