- Stars: ★★★★★
- Weapon Type: Polearm
- Release: 2.1
Engulfing Lightning is Shogun Raiden's spear and in general terms it's a very good option for spearmen who need a good amount of Energy Recharge and benefit from Attack, since the latter stat will increase depending on the character's Recharge.
Base ATK
Primary Stat
+55.1% ER
+55.1% ER
ATK is increased by 28% ER over the base of 100%. 80% ATK max.
+30% ER for 12s after using EB.
ATK is increased by 35% ER over the base of 100%. 90% ATK max.
+35% ER for 12s after using EB.
ATK is increased by 42% ER over the base of 100%. 100% ATK max.
+40% ER for 12s after using EB.
ATK is increased by 49% ER over the base of 100%. 110% ATK max.
+45% ER for 12s after using EB.
ATK is increased by 56% ER over the base of 100%. 120% ATK max.
+50% ER for 12s after using EB.