- Stars: ★★★★
- Weapon Type: Polearm
- Release: 1.0
Dragon's Bane is a highly recommended 4-star spear in general terms for Hydro or Pyro characters, especially for those that tend to be used on teams where Elemental Mastery is relevant, such as Vaporized teams. It's viable for both Main DPS and Support DPS.
Base ATK
Primary Stat
221 EM
221 EM
+20% DMG to enemies affected by Pyro or Hydro.
+24% DMG to enemies affected by Pyro or Hydro.
+28% DMG to enemies affected by Pyro or Hydro.
+32% DMG to enemies affected by Pyro or Hydro.
+36% DMG to enemies affected by Pyro or Hydro.