
  • Stars: ★★★★
  • Weapon Type: Polearm
  • Release: 1.0

Deathmatch is one of the Spears from Genshin Impact's Battle Pass, and it's undoubtedly a very good 4-star spear as many characters can make excellent use of it.

It provides a substantial amount of Critical Rate, a rather uncommon attribute in 4-star weapons in the game but highly valuable for any DPS character. Its passive ability couldn't be simpler; it grants Attack and Defense bonuses when facing multiple enemies and an even higher Attack bonus when there's only one enemy remaining on the field—conditions so straightforward that we could consider them 100% passive.


Base ATK
Primary Stat
36.8% CRIT %

If there are at least 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 16% and DEF is increased by 16%. If there are fewer than 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 24%.

If there are at least 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 20% and DEF is increased by 20%. If there are fewer than 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 30%.

If there are at least 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 24% and DEF is increased by 24%. If there are fewer than 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 36%.

If there are at least 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 28% and DEF is increased by 28%. If there are fewer than 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 42%.

If there are at least 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 32% and DEF is increased by 32%. If there are fewer than 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 48%.