Amos’ Bow

Amos' Bow
  • Stars: ★★★★★
  • Weapon Type: Bow
  • Release: 1.0

Amos' Bow is the one that many of us consider to be Ganyu's bow since this is a character that takes tremendous advantage of it. It stands out for greatly enhancing the attack, especially characters who shoot from a distance.


Base ATK
Primary Stat
49.6% ATK %

+12% NA & CA DMG.<br /> +8% DMG for every 0.1s the arrow is in the air after NA & CA, can stack 5 times.

+15% NA & CA DMG.<br /> +10% DMG for every 0.1s the arrow is in the air after NA & CA, can stack 5 times.

+18% NA & CA DMG.<br /> +12% DMG for every 0.1s the arrow is in the air after NA & CA, can stack 5 times.

+21% NA & CA DMG.<br /> +14% DMG for every 0.1s the arrow is in the air after NA & CA, can stack 5 times.

+24% NA & CA DMG.<br /> +16% DMG for every 0.1s the arrow is in the air after NA & CA, can stack 5 times.