- Stars: ★★★★
- Weapon Type: Bow
- Release: 1.4
Alley Hunter is a recommended bow for characters who need a high Base Attack (like Kujou Sara) and for those who deal passive damage outside of the field. This as long as they're characters that scale their damage taking into account the Attack statistic.
27.6% ATK %
+2% DMG every second (max 20% DMG) while character is not in the field. If character is on field will start to loose the bonus after 4s (-2% DMG every second until 0% DMG Bonus).
+2.5% DMG every second (max 25% DMG) while character is not in the field. If character is on field will start to loose the bonus after 4s (-2% DMG every second until 0% DMG Bonus).
+3% DMG every second (max 30% DMG) while character is not in the field. If character is on field will start to loose the bonus after 4s (-2% DMG every second until 0% DMG Bonus).
+3.5% DMG every second (max 35% DMG) while character is not in the field. If character is on field will start to loose the bonus after 4s (-2% DMG every second until 0% DMG Bonus).
+4% DMG every second (max 40% DMG) while character is not in the field. If character is on field will start to loose the bonus after 4s (-2% DMG every second until 0% DMG Bonus).