- Stars: ★★★★★
- Element:
- Weapon:
- Region: Liyue
- Birthday: 20 July
- Release: 1.1
Tartaglia is an Hydro element Main DPS with good damage, but he stands out above all for his good work as an Enabler Main DPS to apply a lot of Hydro to all enemies and so that Supports DPS can perform lots of Elemental Reactions. He's viable as a Main DPS Enabler in National compositions or in Taser compositions; very efficient at both. To master him we'll have to learn to rotate him at the ideal moment to balance the times of his Elemental Ability well.

Base Stats
Tartaglia Main DPS
Tartaglia as a Main DPS not only does damage, he also serves as an Enabler Hydro as he's one of the best items to Elemental React on. In that sense he's a character similar to Kamisato Ayato.
Recommended Skill Lvl & Constellations
Best Weapons
Polar Star

+12% ES & EB DMG.
+10/20/30/48% ATK depending on stacks (each stack is independent).
1 stack after dealing a NA, CA, ES or EB.
+15% ES & EB DMG.
+12.5/37.5/30/60% ATK depending on stacks (each stack is independent).
1 stack after dealing a NA, CA, ES or EB.
+18% ES & EB DMG.
+15/30/45/72% ATK depending on stacks (each stack is independent).
1 stack after dealing a NA, CA, ES or EB.
+21% ES & EB DMG.
+17.5/35/52.5/84% ATK depending on stacks (each stack is independent).
1 stack after dealing a NA, CA, ES or EB.
+24% ES & EB DMG.
+20/40/60/96% ATK depending on stacks (each stack is independent).
1 stack after dealing a NA, CA, ES or EB.
Thundering Pulse

+20% ATK
+12/24/40% NA DMG Depending in number of stacks (independent).
1 stack for damaging with NA for 5s. 1 stack for casting ES for 10s. 1 stack if energy is not at 100%.
+25% ATK
+15/30/50% NA DMG Depending in number of stacks (independent).
1 stack for damaging with NA for 5s. 1 stack for casting ES for 10s. 1 stack if energy is not at 100%.
+30% ATK
+18/36/60% NA DMG Depending in number of stacks (independent).
1 stack for damaging with NA for 5s. 1 stack for casting ES for 10s. 1 stack if energy is not at 100%.
+35% ATK
+21/42/70% NA DMG Depending in number of stacks (independent).
1 stack for damaging with NA for 5s. 1 stack for casting ES for 10s. 1 stack if energy is not at 100%.
+40% ATK
+24/48/80% NA DMG Depending in number of stacks (independent).
1 stack for damaging with NA for 5s. 1 stack for casting ES for 10s. 1 stack if energy is not at 100%.
Skyward Harp

+20% CRIT DMG.
60% chance after hitting an enemy to deal an AoE attack that deals Physical DMG as 125% ATK. Once every 4s.
+25% CRIT DMG.
70% chance after hitting an enemy to deal an AoE attack that deals Physical DMG as 125% ATK. Once every 3.5s.
+30% CRIT DMG.
80% chance after hitting an enemy to deal an AoE attack that deals Physical DMG as 125% ATK. Once every 3s.
+35% CRIT DMG.
90% chance after hitting an enemy to deal an AoE attack that deals Physical DMG as 125% ATK. Once every 2.5s.
+40% CRIT DMG.
100% chance after hitting an enemy to deal an AoE attack that deals Physical DMG as 125% ATK. Once every 2s.

+40% NA DMG
-10% CA DMG
+50% NA DMG
-10% CA DMG
+60% NA DMG
-10% CA DMG
+70% NA DMG
-10% CA DMG
+80% NA DMG
-10% CA DMG
The Viridescent Hunt

50% chance on hit to deal 40% ATK as DMG (physical) for 6s every 0.5s with a Whirlwind that attracts enemies. Once every 14s.
50% chance on hit to deal 50% ATK as DMG (physical) for 6s every 0.5s with a Whirlwind that attracts enemies. Once every 14s.
50% chance on hit to deal 60% ATK as DMG (physical) for 6s every 0.5s with a Whirlwind that attracts enemies. Once every 14s.
50% chance on hit to deal 70% ATK as DMG (physical) for 6s every 0.5s with a Whirlwind that attracts enemies. Once every 14s.
50% chance on hit to deal 80% ATK as DMG (physical) for 6s every 0.5s with a Whirlwind that attracts enemies. Once every 14s.
Best Artifacts
Artifact Sets
Primary Stats