Best Build for Albedo

  • Stars: ★★★★★
  • Element: Geo Geo
  • Weapon: Sword Sword
  • Region: Mondstadt
  • Birthday: 13 September
  • Release: 1.1

Albedo is a Geo character known for his remarkable versatility when it comes to team compositions, making him a typical character that can fit into almost any team. In fact, when you have a team of 3 and need a slot for a Support DPS but are unsure who to choose, Albedo is generally a good option.

This is because the character boasts decent damage through his Elemental Skill, and this damage is quite passive. Simply using the Elemental Skill and staying within the large circle created by Albedo on the ground (which lasts a long time) will continuously generate passive damage. But that's not all; Albedo also generates a significant amount of energy for the team.

While he can fit into virtually any team, he is often paired with other Geo characters, as Albedo will generate more energy for characters of his own element. This is where we can fully capitalize on his abilities.


Base Stats

HP: 13226
ATK: 251
DEF: 876
Special Stat: +28.8% GEO DMG

Albedo Support DPS

The priority of this build lies in maximizing the damage output of Albedo's Elemental Skill, as it serves as his primary source of damage. In fact, it is generally recommended to avoid using his Ultimate Ability. Additionally, it is crucial to remember that it's ideal to pair Albedo with other Geo characters.

Recommended Skill Lvl & Constellations

Best Weapons

Uraku Misugiri

Uraku Misugiri
Base ATK: 542
Primary Stat: +88.2% CRIT DMG

Normal Attack DMG is increased by 16% and Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 24%. After a nearby active character deals Geo DMG, the aforementioned effects increase by 100% for 15s. Additionally, the wielder's DEF is increased by 20%.

Normal Attack DMG is increased by 20% and Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 30%. After a nearby active character deals Geo DMG, the aforementioned effects increase by 100% for 15s. Additionally, the wielder's DEF is increased by 25%.

Normal Attack DMG is increased by 24% and Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 36%. After a nearby active character deals Geo DMG, the aforementioned effects increase by 100% for 15s. Additionally, the wielder's DEF is increased by 30%.

Normal Attack DMG is increased by 28% and Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 42%. After a nearby active character deals Geo DMG, the aforementioned effects increase by 100% for 15s. Additionally, the wielder's DEF is increased by 35%.

Normal Attack DMG is increased by 32% and Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 48%. After a nearby active character deals Geo DMG, the aforementioned effects increase by 100% for 15s. Additionally, the wielder's DEF is increased by 40%.

Cinnabar Spindle

Cinnabar Spindle
Base ATK: 454
Primary Stat: 69% DEF %

Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 40% of DEF. The effect will be triggered no more than once every 1.5s and will be cleared 0.1s after the Elemental Skill deals DMG.

Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 50% of DEF. The effect will be triggered no more than once every 1.5s and will be cleared 0.1s after the Elemental Skill deals DMG.

Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 60% of DEF. The effect will be triggered no more than once every 1.5s and will be cleared 0.1s after the Elemental Skill deals DMG.

Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 70% of DEF. The effect will be triggered no more than once every 1.5s and will be cleared 0.1s after the Elemental Skill deals DMG.

Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 80% of DEF. The effect will be triggered no more than once every 1.5s and will be cleared 0.1s after the Elemental Skill deals DMG.


Base ATK: 510
Primary Stat: +27.6% CRIT %

+16% Elemental Skill & Elemental Burst DMG.<br /> +2% Elemental Skill CRIT Rate for every hit of your Elemental Skill for 10s (same with Elemental Burst). Max 4 stacks, every stack is independent from the others and can be triggered once every 0.1s.

+20% Elemental Skill & Elemental Burst DMG.<br /> +2.5% Elemental Skill CRIT Rate for every hit of your Elemental Skill for 10s (same with Elemental Burst). Max 4 stacks, every stack is independent from the others and can be triggered once every 0.1s.

+24% Elemental Skill & Elemental Burst DMG.<br /> +3% Elemental Skill CRIT Rate for every hit of your Elemental Skill for 10s (same with Elemental Burst). Max 4 stacks, every stack is independent from the others and can be triggered once every 0.1s.

+28% Elemental Skill & Elemental Burst DMG.<br /> +3.5% Elemental Skill CRIT Rate for every hit of your Elemental Skill for 10s (same with Elemental Burst). Max 4 stacks, every stack is independent from the others and can be triggered once every 0.1s.

+32% Elemental Skill & Elemental Burst DMG.<br /> +4% Elemental Skill CRIT Rate for every hit of your Elemental Skill for 10s (same with Elemental Burst). Max 4 stacks, every stack is independent from the others and can be triggered once every 0.1s.

Festering Desire

Festering Desire
Base ATK: 510
Primary Stat: 45.9% ER

Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 16% and Elemental Skill CRIT Rate by 6%.

Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 20% and Elemental Skill CRIT Rate by 7.5%.

Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 24% and Elemental Skill CRIT Rate by 9%.

Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 28% and Elemental Skill CRIT Rate by 10.5%.

Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 32% and Elemental Skill CRIT Rate by 12%.

Harbinger of Dawn

Harbinger of Dawn
Base ATK: 401
Primary Stat: 46.9% CRIT DMG

+14% CRIT RATE when HP is above 90%.

+17.5% CRIT RATE when HP is above 90%.

+21% CRIT RATE when HP is above 90%.

+24.5% CRIT RATE when HP is above 90%.

+28% CRIT RATE when HP is above 90%.

Favonius Sword

Favonius Sword
Base ATK: 454
Primary Stat: +61.3% ER

60% chance to generate an Elemental Particle after doing a crit.

70% chance to generate an Elemental Particle after doing a crit.

80% chance to generate an Elemental Particle after doing a crit.

90% chance to generate an Elemental Particle after doing a crit.

100% chance to generate an Elemental Particle after doing a crit.

Best Artifacts

Artifact Sets

Primary Stats

Sands of Eon
SandsDEF %
Goblet of Eonothem
GobletGeo DMG %
Circlet of Logos
CircletCRIT %



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